this is a such cover image, just play around

I don’t know since when I started to use LinkedIn, but I just remember the first time I saw it, I liked it a lot. WHY? because the profile structure is made so clear and information fields are comprehensive, that you won’t miss or mess anything. Neat!

Everything went well until one day I wanted to get a new job: there should be an export function provided? Yes, there is. BUT… the layout really sucks: My exported one is 6 pages and it’s hardly readable due to the bad structure.(maybe the paied subscription is much better…?:sweat_smile:)

After trying out some options in Chrome extension store, I decide to reinvent the wheel.

Here comes my version of chrome extension to make perfect resume export from LinkedIn:

check out

so, a quick figure, after using this, my resume comes to 2 pages. here is how it looks like:

optimized CV part 1 optimized CV part 2

techical part: both new css and javascript are injected into the web page to re-layout and also mapulate some data(contact section)

to build the chrome extension, the first important file is “manifest.json”, where you define

  • your extension name/description/version
  • permission
  • background script (most important for this case, to call script)

and in background script, the injected js and css file are defined

chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
  chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {file: "inject.js"});
  chrome.tabs.insertCSS(null, {file: "inject.css"});

hmmm, maybe I need to design and implement some more sexy resume template to sell?! :scream::scream: