create a basic site

  • create a repo at github, with name $ $username is your github account name
  • clone this repo to your local drive, here let’s say D:/$
    • git clone$username/$
  • at your local laptop, install Jekyll, gem install jekyll
  • change directory to D:, create jekyll site here: jekyll new $
  • commit, push all the files to remote$username/$
  • now you can access https://$ (in my case:

use tag

quick way: check directly my commit add tagging mechanism

  1. create _data/tags.yml, it stores the tag names

      name: Jekyll
      name: GitHub
      name: HowTo
  2. create _layouts/blog_by_tag.html, it takes care of showing the view of specific tag

    <h1>Articles by tag :{{ page.tag }}</h1>
        {% if site.tags[page.tag] %}
            {% for post in site.tags[page.tag] %}
                <a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
            {% endfor %}
        {% else %}
            <p>There are no posts for this tag.</p>
        {% endif %}
  3. in posts.html layout, add blow ones

    please remve below {% raw %} tag

    {% raw %}{% assign post = page %}
    {% if post.tags.size > 0 %}
        {% capture tags_content %}Posted with {% if post.tags.size == 1 %}<i class="fa fa-tag"></i>{% else %}<i class="fa fa-tags"></i>{% endif %}: {% endcapture %}
        {% for post_tag in post.tags %}
              {% assign tag =[post_tag] %}
            {% if tag %}
                {% capture tags_content_temp %}{{ tags_content }}<a href="/blog/tag/{{}}/">{{ }}</a>{% if forloop.last == false %}, {% endif %}{% endcapture %}
                {% assign tags_content = tags_content_temp %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% else %}
        {% assign tags_content = '' %}
    {% endif %}
  4. decide where to put below one at posts.html

    <p id="post-meta">{{tags_content}}</p>
  5. crate for each tag name, under blog/tag/, e.g. blog/tag/, content

    layout: blog_by_tag
    tag: jekyll
    permalink: /blog/tag/Jekyll/
  6. finally, use the tag in your post

    layout: post
    title:  "How to create Jekyll blog and host at Github"
    date:   2016-07-18 21:49:15 +0800
    categories: jekyll github
    tags: [jekyll, github, howto]
